The Vegan Starter Pack: Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle

Vegan Culinary Cruises
3 min readMar 25, 2020


Have you ever thought of going vegan? Well if you have, you should know that it’s not a change that happens overnight. You can’t expect to quit using animal-based products, go cold turkey on dairy and continue that lifestyle change without any bumps along the road.

What you need to keep in mind is that veganism isn’t a fad, nor is it a trend that people use for the ‘gram. It’s a lifestyle abstaining from the use of animal products — particularly in diet. Similarly, it is an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals — which means that veganism isn’t limited to making a change in your diet; it also applies to the cruelty-free products you use, vegan travel, and ethical consideration for your environment.

Keep these things in mind when you’re just getting started.

Start Your Diet Slowly and Build It Up Gradually

Like we said, going vegan doesn’t happen overnight. Products like meat, eggs, dairy, and honey are not an addiction but going cold turkey won’t work the same as throwing away a pack of cigarettes. You can start reducing your meat intake to once a day instead of three times a day during every meal. As you progress, turn that into a couple of times a week and so on. Next, you can move on to eating white meat instead of red and then repeat the elimination process.

Add Before You Subtract

Learn to incorporate plant-based alternatives into your diet and allow your body to get used to it before you cut out animal-based produce. It’s as simple as making yourself banana “nicecream” instead of ice cream for dessert; or tossing a side salad to go with your lunch. Get used to the taste of vegan food before you make the transition. That way, you don’t have to go through the emotional shift, and your diet change becomes a lot smoother.

Make Sustainable Lifestyle Choices

Sustainability is the ability to exist continually. In the 21st century, it generally refers to the capacity for the biosphere and human civilization to coexist. In this sense, sustainability refers to making eco-friendly choices for the environment. It will take a bit of adjusting at first, but you’ll get the hang of it. For example, when you order take-out, bring your own containers. Or, avoid using plastic shopping bags; bring reusable cloth bags to carry your groceries instead. It’s the little things that count.

Identify Why You Want to Go Vegan

Ask yourself, why do I want to make this lifestyle change? Veganism is not superficial. You need to take a big leap with the way you live your life. If you go vegan solely to follow a trend, then you’re defeating the purpose of going vegan. Behind that decision should be a more significant factor such as — concern for the environment, your health, and well-being of all living creatures on this earth.



Vegan Culinary Cruises

With our vegan cruises, you get to experience all the luxury, comfort, and excitement of a lovely cruise with a smorgasbord of vegan culinary delights.